Read Between the Sheets Manga Ch 4

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I'yard non sure exactly what I was expecting when I picked up this manga. I mean, at that place was definitely a office of me that was looking for some diversity in my manga and saw lesbian josei and that'south about all I needed. But then, well-nigh of the fourth dimension my tastes don't run quite this far toward regular, no spec fiction. And the story is definitely not speculative. It'southward a story about relationships, and more often than not about the relationship between Mina and S
Stuff I Read - Between the Sheets by Erica Sakurazawa ReviewI'm not sure exactly what I was expecting when I picked upwardly this manga. I mean, there was definitely a function of me that was looking for some diversity in my manga and saw lesbian josei and that's near all I needed. Only and so, most of the time my tastes don't run quite this far toward regular, no spec fiction. And the story is definitely non speculative. It's a story almost relationships, and more often than not almost the human relationship between Mina and Saki. Information technology'south not the easiest book of manga to read, and what's hither is dense and rather artful. I didn't quite know what to brand of information technology, though, in the finish.
The relationship is definitely complicated, and interesting. Mina is in honey with Saki, but can't really limited it, especially because Saki doesn't render that dearest. Mina finds herself rather obsessed, and because she can't have Saki she goes afterward the men that Saki is seeing, hoping this will both break Saki up with the guy and also wanting to have that vicarious closeness, that she's having sex with every bit close to Saki as she can. Information technology's rather weird and messed up, simply makes a certain amount of sense. Mina repressed a lot, and because of that she does things kind of like this. Meanwhile, Saki is drawn to rather destructive relationships. She'due south cheated on but when she's with a guy who treats her improve, she cheats on him. And so Mina gets involved and, well, yeah, kind of messed upwards all around.
The art of the volume lends itself well, existence a lot more than sketchy than a lot of other manga. Information technology doesn't really apply color that much, but when it does information technology does and so meaningfully. The grapheme are well detailed and their depictions jive with how they act. It'south rather interesting to run into how different the female characters are but how like the male characters are, because Saki has something of a type, but also the deviation of dark and light hair. There is something going on there, methinks.
In the end, though, I'm not quite sure what to brand of the manga. It'southward not exactly fun but it is interesting and a practiced read. I merely wasn't very certain what to make of some of the stuff, and the ending in item, where Mina confesses everything and and then ends upward with i of Saki's ex-boyfriends. It'south a little odd, and I'm non quite sure what it'due south maxim. Of course, it might be harder to parse for non-Japanese readers, because I'm not sure exactly how sexuality is handled there. Information technology'due south worth a read, but information technology'south not exactly my cup of tea. What's there is good, though, and for that I'm giving it a half-dozen.five/10.
Todos los personajes son mala gente. Incluso cuando Ken y Saki estaban juntos, dijeron que ambos eran malos.
La obsecion de Minako por Saki... por dios, la verdad, es muy estupida. Crei que Lena de Delirium era idiota, pero al lado de Minako, es Newton.
En primer lugar, Minako es una sin-vida desagradable que se obseciono con su mejor amiga, quien es "un espiritu libre", o como yo diria, una sifilosa que solo piensa en tener metido united nations chorizo.
Ken es el tipi Odie leer esto. Lo odie con toda mi alma.
Todos los personajes son mala gente. Incluso cuando Ken y Saki estaban juntos, dijeron que ambos eran malos.
La obsecion de Minako por Saki... por dios, la verdad, es muy estupida. Crei que Lena de Delirium era idiota, pero al lado de Minako, es Newton.
En primer lugar, Minako es una sin-vida desagradable que se obseciono con su mejor amiga, quien es "un espiritu libre", o como yo diria, una sifilosa que solo piensa en tener metido un chorizo.
Ken es el tipico chico idiota, que auction com 20mil tipas por semana.
El chico de la tienda de zapatos, Yuras... o como se llame, es el unico que mas o menos me cayo bien. Un blandengue full..
Y Saki, Saki... no hay persona mas vil, perversa, egoista, estupida y zorra que Saki. Me indigna, si la tuviera frente a mi, la descuartizaria con un machete. Su dicho de "Tu engañas a alguien, y lo escondes, y incluso si lo descubre, lo niegas a muerte. Y eso es verdadero amor. Lo haces mas sencillo para tu pareja" *inserte aqui a una yo explotando de rabia*
Me saca, me saca. La tentacion existe, pero si amas a alguien, te quedas con esa persona hasta el final, porque al final del día solo tienes ojos para esa persona y ningun chorizo puede cambiar la felicidad que sientes por tan solo tocarle la mano a esa persona. ESO es amor. Amor verdadero y puro y sincero.
Saki solo se hace la victima, la odie. Si yo hubiese sido Minako, me habria vengado. O la habria descuartizado a lo Eli Brusque. Yo que sé.
Simplemente dos estrellas, la historia meh, prefiero arrancarme los ojos antes que leerlo otra vez. Los dibujos son mas realistas pero como que... en algunos momentos no son precisos, y son deformes. Pero acorde al estilo que vi que tiene el manga, era un deforme aceptable. El tipo de deforme que ves en arte.
Creo que no tengo nil mas que decir. ¿Se nota mi indignacion? ¿Si? ¿Si? ...more than

The art is absolutely not my cup of tea, although I liked the cover.
The story couldn't concur my interest for more than a few pages.
The art is absolutely non my cup of tea, although I liked the encompass.
The story couldn't hold my interest for more than a few pages.
No recommendation from my side. ...more

Y no pueden ser más idiotas, por dios!!

Between the Sheets (Sheets no Sukima) is really pretty good at depicting how idiotically people can deport when love & lust are involved. Basically none of the 4 major characters make any really practiced decisions over the course of the book, and their motivations are a mix of lust, green-eyed, and spite. A little painful and a little cringeworthy, though mostly considering you lot know y'all've seen at least some of this play
Basically 200 pages of people making increasingly emotionally immature decisions.Between the Sheets (Sheets no Sukima) is actually pretty good at depicting how idiotically people can conduct when honey & lust are involved. Basically none of the 4 major characters make whatsoever actually good decisions over the course of the book, and their motivations are a mix of lust, envy, and spite. A lilliputian painful and a little cringeworthy, though generally because you know y'all've seen at least some of this play out IRL.
That said, the back-cover claims that "Erika Sakurazawa boldly introduces a new type of relationships for girls" and I can just pray that the Minako/Saki dynamic is no reader's first romantic rodeo. Minako has a romantic vanquish on her best friend Saki (who past all accounts is pretty solidly heterosexual), causing Mina to go through various stages of malaise, sorrow, anger, and scheming. Unless by "new blazon of relationships" they meant "toxic ones", in which case, Between the Sheets is perfect.
Nobody in this book is coping healthily with anything, be ye warned.

Their relationship was MESSY. it was a very good read, despite wanting more. I wish these manga were longer because I would like to read more than from these characters.

aye i know, that is probably non where you thought where this review was headed
in my religion yous're meant to strive to love each other for the sake of god
and that was a concept i struggled with as a child but i think i sympathise a petty bit better at present
and this book had me thinking about it because i felt like all the terrible things minako claims to do for love this volume come up from the fact that her honey is then deeply persona
to exist perfectly honest this volume had me thinking a lot virtually godyeah i know, that is probably not where you thought where this review was headed
in my organized religion you lot're meant to strive to dearest each other for the sake of god
and that was a concept i struggled with equally a kid but i call back i empathize a picayune fleck better now
and this volume had me thinking well-nigh information technology considering i felt like all the terrible things minako claims to practice for dear this book come from the fact that her love is then deeply personal
it'southward about saki merely inasmuch as she wants saki to 'belong' to her, to be the image of saki that makes her happy
and then she does awful things and believes that love can serve every bit an excuse
then does saki! they parallel each other because saki wants unlike aspects of yukimura and ken and then she cheats to effort to get those things from each of them
and i gauge i just think that loving properly is actually hard; that it ways to do good things for another every bit you would for yourself
it would hurt you to be cheated on, don't do that to someone else
but i think humans are inherently cocky-centred; that they need some kind of outer ballast to be able to dearest properly. and to locate that in your lover is chancy because then your honey is dependant on how their actions make you feel. minako hurts when she sees saki with someone else so she thinks it'southward okay to beguile her trust. to love well you demand a solid reason, something eternal
and now dear goodreads friends you accept a outline of how reading this manga had me spent a charabanc ride thinking about the wisdom and grace of god in education u.s.a. how to honey
yous besides know why i'm probably never going to be a professional book reviewer. u_u talk about the story? theme? fine art? nah mates, let me tell you well-nigh my feelings about god
3 stars

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